深海耐压球壳基础理论和关键技术(英文版) -尊龙凯时平台入口

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  • isbn:978-7-5478-5752-6
  • 作者:王芳 等 著
  • 定价:¥190 元
  • 出版时间:2022-09-01
  • 版次:01
  • 印次:01
  • 装帧:
  • 纸张:
  • 开本:16
  • 字数:
  • 页数:



目  录


chapter 1 general introduction of deep-sea spherical pressure hulls  1

1.1application scenario of deep-sea spherical pressure hulls  2 

1.2 the design methodology of deep-sea pressure hull  6

1.2.1  shape selection  6 

1.2.2 material selection  8 

1.2.3 hull thickness requirement based on the depth limit and safety factor  9 

1.2.4 end closures design compatible with the hull and design requirement  9

1.3 other considerations to ensure safety  10

1.3.1 reliability  10 

1.3.2 fatigue and fracture  12 

1.3.3 model test  14 

1.3.4 seal design 16 

1.4 manufacturing process of deep-sea pressure hulls  17 

references  21

chapter 2 material selection for deep-sea spherical pressure hulls  23

2.1  candidate materials for deep-sea spherical pressure hulls  24

2.1.1 steels  26 

2.1.2 aluminium alloys  28 

2.1.3 titanium alloys  28 

2.1.4 acrylic plastics (polymethyl methacrylate) 29 2.1.5  

composites  30

2.2 practice for material selection  31

2.2.1 selection of titanium alloys  33 

2.2.2 selection of maraging steels  44 

references  50

chapter 3 linear buckling mechanics of deep-sea spherical pressure hulls  53

3.1  overview of current rules for spherical pressure hulls  53

3.1.1  introduction of rules   53 

3.1.2  comparison of rules  59 

3.2 analytical analysis  62

3.2.1 strength evaluation  62 

3.2.2 stability evaluation  69 

3.3 numerical analysis  76

3.3.1 brief introduction of fem principle  76 

3.3.2 numerical study of different methods  82 

references  92

chapter 4  nonlinear buckling of deep-sea spherical pressure hulls  94

4.1  overview of current studies  94

4.1.1 empirical formulae  94 

4.1.2 phenomenological models  104 

4.2 elastic-plastic buckling analysis  107

4.2.1  titanium alloy spherical pressure hulls  107 

4.2.2 maraging steel spherical pressure hulls  124 

4.3 experimental study in laboratory scale  127

4.3.1  materials and methods  128 

4.3.2 results and discussion  132 

references  143

chapter 5 fatigue life assessment theory for deep-sea spherical pressure hulls  146 

5.1  analysis methods for fatigue of spherical pressure hulls 147

5.1.1  loading history of the spherical pressure hull  148

5.1.2 low-cycle fatigue theory based on strain-cycles curve  152 

5.1.3 methods based on crack growth theory  158 

5.1.4  a simplified life estimation method  185 references  192

chapter 6  testing and numerical simulation of deep-sea spherical pressure hulls  195 

6.1 verification testing  197

6.1.1  ultimate compression-carrying capacity testing for scale model 198 

6.1.2 hydrostatic pressure testing for viewports  207 

6.1.3  function testing for hatch-cover opening and closing mechanism  209

6.2 inspection testing  210

6.2.1  material properties testing  210 

6.2.2 geometrical size measurement 213 

6.3 acceptance testing  214

6.3.1 leakage testing  214 

6.3.2 hydrostatic pressure testing  215 

6.4 numerical simulation  216

6.4.1  structural strength calculation of the deep-sea spherical pressure hull using fea method  216 

6.4.2  numerical simulation on collapse of the deep-sea spherical pressure hull 221 

6.4.3  the simulation of transient dynamic process of crushing  226 

references  233


著译者:于广军 主编
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